It’s Enough


Eastern wisdom tells us that one of the main causes of suffering is getting what we want, and not being satisfied with it.

I’m just returning from a very special trip to Paris and London where I had time to play, to explore, to get lost, to study, and to just be in awe of my surroundings.

As I was having my final breakfast of the trip, I noticed that instead of enjoying the beautiful space and delicious food, I was plotting how and when I could come back.  I wanted more.

An opportunity to recalibrate:

I got what I wanted — I had an extraordinary trip (that I was still on!)  It’s enough right now.

When we catch ourselves overlooking the beauty in the moment, that’s the fruit of our mindfulness practice.

As we take more in, we become full.  There’s less reaching for the sake of reaching.  We can rest, and resting makes us happy.

Just to be clear… this is not to say that we can’t have future ambitions.

This is to say that if we can recognize when we get what we want, and really soak in it, we can experience deep happiness.

I tried it and it works,


Founder @ M I N D F R E S H

Image:  @wonguy974


On Point


This Is Better